Saturday, August 27, 2016

Google Alert - Rihanna

Daily update August 27, 2016
Rihanna — singer, fashion star, free spirit — is a goddess, yes. But even goddesses have limits. And the internet has uncovered Rihanna's one true ...
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As hard as we all may try, there can only be one true bad gal in this world, and that's Rihanna. No matter how many short shorts and strappy heels you ...
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We all know how Drake feels about Rihanna, but for those who weren't quite sure, a new billboard has surfaced that should clear things up.
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Not to mention, Rihanna will be honored with the esteemed Vanguard Award, which she'll accept with her own performance (and fingers crossed ...
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This morning, Buzzfeed UK writer Ben Henry single-handedly proved that Rihanna, better known as the Universe's Sexiest Human, is unable to wink ...
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